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Occupational Health

Introducing our Full Medical and Dental Check-up Package tailored for your workforce

Ensure the health and safety of your employees while maximizing tax deductibility – talk to your accountant today.

Optimize your company's productivity with a robust workforce

Our comprehensive check-up package not only identifies and addresses health issues within your team but also assists with meeting WorkSafe requirements.

By investing in the well-being of your staff, you're not just enhancing your company's performance but also enriching their lives. Experience the value we bring to your business and the individuals who drive its success.

Occupational health


Priority appointments

Weekend appointments

We support your staff so they can support your business

ACC Injuries

ACC GP Accredited MRI requestor

ACC 45 lodgment of claims

ACC 18 Work capacity certificate

On-site suturing and wound care

Tetanus booster avaialble booster if needed

First Aid Kit
Fists in Solidarity

Affiliate partnerships

Bringing additional value for your staff though established affiliate partnerships with Dental, Health and Life insurance, Physiotherapy, Gym and Fitness, Acupuncture, Podiatrist, Audiologist and Optometrist

Other Procedures

Liquid Nitrogen

Shave biopsy

Punch Biopsy

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